From the moment you wake up, how many printed commodities and advertisements do you encounter every day? No doubt that we are overwhelmed by mass media images that appear on daily objects and urban environment, even blurring the line that separates painting from printed matter. A graduate of Hong Kong Art School’s Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) programme*, Aaron Francis D'AQUINO, (2012 Graduate, majoring in Painting) would like to examine the borderline between printed matter and painting, and also to trigger viewers to rethink the purpose of painting through this exhibition.
試由你起床那刻開始計算,每天會見到多少傳銷產品及平面廣告?無可否認,大眾媒體的圖像透過不同形式,在日常生活用品及市區環境中呈現以及充斥於我們的生活,甚至令繪畫與印刷品之間的界線變得模糊。杜卓璣,香港藝術學院藝術文學士課程*之畢業生杜卓璣(2012年畢業,主修繪畫), 透過是次展覽不但探討了印刷品與繪畫之間的分界線,還引起觀眾反思繪畫真正的目的。
Exhibition Period
12 - 21 October 2012
10:00 - 20:00 (Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays)