Install / Uninstall

Four graduates from different majors of Hong Kong Art School’s Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) programme, have been working for the School’s gallery during different periods of time and helping students and alumni to organize and set up their exhibitions at the School Gallery. While in the exhibition "Install/Uninstall", they recall their past experience and memories as gallery coordinators; from their expertise of “install” and “uninstall”, they transform this interesting and paradoxical idea into unique and site specific works.

四位香港藝術學院藝術文學士畢業生,各主修不同媒介,卻曾是「白管子」藝廊 (香港藝術學院藝廊於2012年之前的名稱)的工作人員,為學生及校友舉辦展覽。今次他們角色逆轉,以藝術家身分並由學院為他們辦展覽。展覽《安裝/卸載》他們由回憶當時運作「白管子」的經驗作為出發點, 以吊詭、實驗及概念性的方向探討他們最擅長的「安裝」和「卸載」,從而發展了今次以不同媒介創作的獨特作品。

Exhibition Period
8 - 28 April 2013
10:00 - 21:00 (Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays)

Participating Artists: